Reclaim your energy

Join 1000+ people improving their lives, and learn about energy work and esoteric sciences to shift your reality.


Hatim Energy Healing

What do you need today?

Energy Healing

Energy Healing

Rebalance your inner energy flow and activate the natural healing process of your physical, mental and emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Spiritual Guidance

1:1 Guidance

Connect to your higher-self, get more clarity about your unique path and unlock your potential to the fullest with a guidance session.



Discover who you really are, your unique opportunities, and how to enhance your experience during this lifetime.

Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading

Get guidance before making important life decisions, or ask for clarity about people and situations from your past or present.



Download my free guided meditation to align your body, mind, and spirit and feel expanded, open, and ready to create a new future.

The Healing Circle

The Circle

Join the membership access to regular energy healing sessions to release physical, mental, and emotional pain from your body.

Hey, I’m Hatim.

People come to me when they want to go from tired and depressed to motivated and fulfilled.

I help them balance their energy, tap into new potentials they didn’t know they had, and change the course of their lives.

I’m good at this because I dove deeper into the world of energy work and healing and tested and applied everything to myself first. Reprogramming my energy and maintaining a level of balance that allows me to feel good and live a life I can fall in love with.

I’m committed to raising awareness about the profound impact energy work can have, and love helping people integrate these techniques into their everyday life in very practical ways.

This work can allow anyone to shift their energy and release the root causes of their challenges. Energy healing can help you achieve inner peace, feel deeper joy, get more mental clarity, improve your health, and experience ease and flow in all areas of your life.

I’m very grateful to be able to share this light with you today.